How to Prepare for Strengths-Based Interviews

Organisations use strengths-based interviews to find out what candidates love to do and do well. Find out how you can ace one with FDM Group.
Annika Kataria
Annika Kataria
Regional Recruitment Manager (Singapore, Hong Kong, China)

FDM is one of many organisations that use strengths-based interviews during the recruitment process. This ensures that we are assessing you based on your motivations and goals. We are more interested in what you want to achieve rather than past experience.

What is a strengths-based interview?

A strengths-based interview is designed to understand both what energises and motivates you, as well as what you do well. This differs from both competency-based interviews (which are focused more on what you can do or have done) or biographical interviews (which tend to be a talk through your CV).

Organisations use strengths-based interviews to find out what candidates love to do and do well. They are focused on making sure that the people they select are the right people for the right role - those who will enjoy their jobs, perform well and stay with the organisation.

Another reason organisations are increasingly using strengths-based interviews is that it is difficult for candidates to over-prepare for them, as you can with competency-based interviewing by thinking in advance about detailed pre-prepared past examples. As a result, the strengths-based interview is a lot more difficult to ‘fake’, and the organisation gets to see the ‘real’ candidate coming through.  When the time comes for your strengths-based interview, stay calm and be yourself. Let your individuality shine though – this is what we’re really looking for.

How can I make sure I do well?

Before having a strengths-based interview, there are a few simple things you can think about that will help you show the best of yourself on the day. As you prepare for your strengths-based interview, think about:

  • What your friends and family know you for - how would they describe you to a stranger?
  • What you truly enjoy doing, and what you are like at your best
  • The achievements you are proud of, and how you got there
  • Activities (inside and outside work) that you do not particularly enjoy, and why

What kinds of questions will I be asked?

To help prepare for a strengths-based interview, be prepared for:

  • A wide variety of question types
  • The chance to express how you feel in relation to a task or activity
  • A quicker pace than a competency-based interview, with more questions

Example questions:

  • What is an activity or task that comes to you easily?
  • What would you say is a successful day?
  • Do you prefer the big picture or the small details?