Assessment Centres
As much as assessment centres remind you of The Apprentice, they aren’t. So you don’t have to worry about audiences judging you!
Prepare for this boring – but essential – part of the interview process.
You won’t be "seen" in the board room, and you won’t be the victim of an on-screen sacking. So don’t feel obliged to behave like you’re taking part in reality TV.
Surviving assessment centres isn’t just about succeeding in their tests and exercises – you should also know how to casually communicate with recruiters during break time!
Recruiters want to know how their future employees will juggle tasks and deal with tricky situations, so some of them test potential staff by using in-tray exercises and case studies that simulate working life.
Though assessment centres may seem artificial, your goal is to show what you'd really be like if you got a place on the graduate scheme. Here are some tips on how you can be your best self on the spot!
In-tray and e-tray exercises are designed to test your ability to prioritise under the pressure of limited time. Find out how you can excel at them!
Many graduate employers use psychometric tests as part of the selection process for their graduate schemes. Here's what you should expect, and how you can prepare.
If the thought of speaking in front of a mixed group of candidates and assessors fills you with dread, follow our ground rules for a perfect presentation.
The case study exercise can be quite a tough nut to crack if you’re unsure what to keep an eye out for. Impress your recruiters with some of our tips!