Applications and CVs
Although they’re undoubtedly useful, are they absolutely necessary for a resume?
If you're looking to join a tech start-up, Puja Shah shares tips on how you can spruce up your job applications.
If you can relate your hobbies to your dream job, then including them in your resume can give you the leg up you need to catch the recruiter’s attention.
While it may not be your fault that the pandemic has limited you of your job opportunities, the onus is still on you to show your potential employer that you’re managing your time wisely during this unexpectedly long job-hunting process.
It doesn’t matter if you’re currently a jobseeker or living your dream job – having a portfolio is an important asset to shine a spotlight on your accomplishments and experiences.
Every standard resume template seems to include a “Work Experiences” section. But as a student or new graduate, you don’t have work experience! What’s your next step then?
Your resume is the first step to capturing a recruiter’s attention. This is why it’s important to develop a successful resume before kick-starting your job-hunting experience.
Knowing the difference between using a cliché and a buzzword may be the key to that coveted interview, or your resume ending up in the bin.
While you can jazz up your resume with an eye-catchy design and personalised font, an email job application relies solely on the content to catch the recruiter’s eye.
As the hiring process continues to get increasingly automated, you’ll want to ensure your application doesn’t get filtered out by a programme before it actually reaches human hands!